Press for “Alice Unwrapped”

The musical “Alice Unwrapped” was the inspiration for the book, Alice Bliss.

Nautilus Music Theatre’s production of “Alice Unwrapped,” by Laura Harrington and Jenny Giering, directed by Ben Krywosz and starring Jill Anna Posniak, garnered some great reviews at the Minneapolis Fringe Festival.
Graydon Royce at the STARTRIBUNE says:
“Wow. An outbreak of real art at the Fringe… The music, the heartbreak, the sense of honor in young Alice make this 35-minute piece a poignant ode to family relationships… Nautilus Music-Theater has brought this kind of small, beautiful jewel to the Fringe many times. This year is no exception… “

Dominic Papatola at the PIONEER PRESS calls it a “Must See”:
“Jill Anna Ponasik gives lovely, rending and plaintively honest voice to Alice as the composing team of Laura Harrington and Jenny Giering create a dissonant but affecting score…”

Audiences and bloggers are saying:
“One expects top notch professionalism from Nautilus Music-Theater and this production does not disappoint.”
“An absolutely perfect blend of music and theater in a dramatic one-person tour-de-force.”
“Beautifully sung and accompanied — the music will have you enthralled.”
“This show is perfection — the writing, the music, the voice and the acting ability all combine into a whole that is more than the sum of its parts.”
“This touching, timely and poignant musical was a peak fringe experience for me — the show is hugely relevant, is completely heartbreaking, and yet holds out a glimmer of unforced hope at the end.”
“Jill Anna is very convincing, charming, funny, sad, angry, tender, genuine.”
“Fringe shows usually receive short or somewhat sustained applause; this performance received an instantaneous and unanimous and long standing ovation.”
“If you only see one fringe festival show, make it ALICE UNWRAPPED!”

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