“This book will be one of those books that will last generations…”

By Lori Caswell, June 5, 2011

Alice Bliss is truly a daddy’s girl, they garden together, she helps him on his handyman jobs, she idolizes him.  She loves her mom and her sister but Alice and her dad, Matt, had a very special bond.

Then the news comes that his National Guard Reserve Unit is shipping out to Iraq and her world starts to crumble before her eyes. There is barely enough time to say goodbye and he is gone.  The phone calls home are never long enough, the letters can’t come fast enough.  Alice tries to keep her life the same as much as she can with her father gone.  The biggest thing is planting the garden on time.  Her mother, Angie, just can’t understand Alice’s dedication to that blasted garden and tries to put roadblocks in Alice’s way so that she can not get the planting done.

Life must go on without Matt and the family struggles to adjust to his absence.  With the help of time, family and friends they may be able to make it.

This story ripped at my heartstrings and pulled on my emotions.  I went between being mad at Alice’s mom for not understanding what her daughter needed, to crying for Angie as she had to deal with the absence of her husband. Trying to understand both sides immersed me in this book in a way that very rarely happens.

This book will be one of those books that will last generations and will be read again and again like stories about the families who have survived the devastating losses after all the other wars in history.  It will definitely stand the test of time.  Beautiful strong storytelling that will touch everyone who reads it and will forever reinforce that the casualties of war are felt well beyond the battlefield and those in combat.  It brings the war home in a strong, poignant way that will touch us all.
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